Conditions and useful information

Useful information

Check in

From 15:00

Except Saturday: arrival from 2:00 p.m.

Except Sunday: arrival from 6:00 p.m.

Check out

to 11:00


Free cancellation until 00:00, 2 day(s) before your arrival

In case of cancellation after this time, or no show at the hotel, the first night will be charged.

General cancellation policy applicable on all rates, excluding special rates that specify specific cancellation policies


WIFI is available without charge


Breakfast available for 12,00 €

Breakfast in room available for a supplement of 6,00 €

Breakfast at 6,00 € for children under 11


Onsite parking

Free onsite parking

Spacious and maneuverable parking. A long space for a coach or semi-trailer


Children stay free in parents' room up to 2 years

Extra beds available on reservation for a supplement of 15,00 € / night

Baby cots are available on reservation

People with Disabilities

Number of rooms adapted for disabled people : 2

The establishment is suitable for welcoming people with the following disabilities:

  • Personnes à mobilité réduite


Animals are accepted

Animals incur a charge of 8,00 € / animal / night

Small animals. Always contact us to specify the species and size.

Accepted payment methods

  • Visa
  • Euro/Mastercard
  • Carte Bleue
  • Chèque Vacances
  • Virement bancaire

Tourism tax

3,31 € (per person, per night)

Reception opening hours

Possibility of late arrival outside reception opening hours

Supplementary information

Tourist tax applicable from April 1 to October 30.